Training for the Big Red Run (and other multi stage desert races)
The Big Red Run is the next race on my race calendar so I thought I would share how I plan to go about training for this multi stage desert race. It is a similar format to most of the multi stage desert races around the world, with 4 shorter days of 30-42km, and then […]
The long run – how long is long enough?
The long run is obviously the most important training session of the week for an ultra runner but how long should it be? I was initially of the opinion that longer was better but after building up to a long run of 75km before my first ultra and dying big time in the race I […]
TNF100 – Was your training specific?
The TNF100 is over for another year and the combination of 100km with a LOT of stairs, single technical tracks and big climbs and descents caught many a runner unprepared. Two weeks on and many runners are already planning how they can come back and improve their time or finally make it to the finish […]
The Pennine 100 Challenge 2008
From a race with 2300 competitors in 2007 in the UTMB, things were a little different on a wet windy weekend in the Peak District for this tough 100 miler. The gale force wind cut through my five layers of clothing causing an involuntary shiver. The continuous rain over the last 15 hours had long […]
The West Highland Way 2006
Rannoch Moor. The vast expanse of Britian’s largest uninhabited wilderness surrounds me. I am all alone save for the peaks of the magnificent Scottish Highlands that can be seen in every direction. Its 4pm Saturday 24th June, I have been going since 1am this morning and am now walking, my legs rebelling against the brains […]