Mind over matter?

Does your body or your mind limit your race day performance? We all know that dead feeling in our legs, the feeling of complete physical exhaustion. Mentally we could keep going but our body is saying no more. Or is it? The latest thinking is that the mind controls fatigue much more than the body.
Walking in Ultras: How to train to walk faster.

Walking is typically seen as the soft option in running races, however in an ultra its often the smart option. In a hilly race even the elites walk, the difference between them and the back of the pack runners is the amount of walking and the speed at which they walk. When training for my […]
Blown Quads – how to avoid them.

Downhill Running

The downhill sections of marathons or ultra marathons are where you can either gain or lose a lot of time depending on your training. Whilst many runners incorporate uphill repeats as part of their training very few target downhill running. Running downhill is a skill that needs to be trained to improve. It also places […]