Why Runners shouldn’t do the plank

The plank is seen as a fundamental core exercise that every runner should include in their training routine. But could it be making your core less suited to the demands of running? If you have read any of my other blogs on the topic you’ll know that there is no research that shows that traditional […]
3D Dynamic Vertical Core Training for Runners

In the last blog I discussed the top 6 core training mistakes in developing a stronger core for running. This week I’d like to show you three far more effective exercises. The main difference between these exercises and traditional core exercises are they are three dimensional, are performed in a vertical position rather than lying […]
Core Training – the top 6 training mistakes

There is a lot of focus on core training at the moment with athletes from all kinds of sports proclaiming its benefits. The Internet is full of videos and articles from various “experts” showing you a number of different exercises to strengthen your core. Unfortunately not everything you read is correct. In fact there are […]
Plank or Crunches , which is the best core exercise for runners?

Core training for runners is poorly misunderstood by many trainers and coaches. New thinking and strategies are being applied that challenge conventional beliefs. If you are lying on the ground doing your core exercise then you aren’t effectively working your core for running. Here’s why. There has been a lot of importance placed on strengthening […]