Training this month has focussed on regaining fitness after a bout of pneumonia in May had me in hospital for 4 days.
So its been a very easy start to the month , keeping intensity right down and building back up


The charts below summarise the last month.
First up  is  Daily Activity Chart showing –  run distance  per day in green and average power in purple . The one high point in power early last week was my first attempt at some intensity to test the lungs out  8 x 50 second hill repeats



Average Km per Week


Training load

CTL ( blue) = chronic training load  is a measure of training load over the last 42 days

ATL  ( purple)= acute training load  is a measure of training load over last 7 days

TSB ( Yellow) = training stress balance  is the difference between the two. If its negative it means there has been a higher training load in the last 7 days vs the last 42 days

Training load is calculated using duration and intensity.

So my graph shows a gradual increase in training load over the last month.


The chart below  shows my ramp rate – the rate at which I am increasing training load. A ramp rate of 1-3 is very sustainable and you can see that my initial build hit just over 3 then dropped a little as I had a slightly lower week volume before increasing again. 


Intensity wise almost all my  runs have been been around 190-200W ( or approx 3W/kg) – this is a little lower than before I had pneumonia when runs were more around 210-220W. It will take a little longer for fitness to build back up to what is was before.

I started some intensity last week with a session of 8 x 50 second hill reps up a 7% gradient hill

Recovery  was an easy jog back down.

As you can see  below I started off conservatively and finished stronger. After 8 reps I felt like I had done something but had plenty left in the tank.



The plan for the coming weeks is to increase volume and progress the hill session.

Aside from the running training I have been doing 10-15 minutes  of strength work 3-4 days a week , just reminding the body what that feels like and will be progressing those into 2- 3 x 30-40 minutes  sessions over the coming months.

Exercises have been a mix of 1 leg squats , dynamic glute, hamstring,  dynamic  core work and some calf and foot exercises (all of which are in the  Mile 27 Dynamic Strength & Conditioning program available   here.

Any questions on any of the above  feel free to message me via email or social media channels


June – Part 2