Training 1 July  to 7 July


Another good week in the legs with a bit of a jump up in load. Managed 6 runs and two harder hill sessions. Long run gradually building but still a way to go.

The Numbers

Runs : 5
Distance 55.7km
Ramp rate 3.7
Vert: 660m

The sessions

Monday : 20 minutes  strength session
Tuesday : 7km with 5 x 3 minutes road  hill reps
Wednesday : Easy 9.9km beach run , 196W
Thursday : Easy 6.6km
Friday : Easy 7.9km
Saturday :  9km, with 5 x 3 minutes  hill reps
Sunday : Long run 16.3km 198W

The sessions
Tuesday  Hill reps 5 x 3

Saturday  Hill reps 5 x 3

Saturdays hill session notably harder than Tuesdays  – both sessions on an approx 5% gradient

The Saturday  session I ran 100% to feel, ie didnt look at my watch except at the end of each lap. I was curious to see what my internal sense of pacing was like. As you can see  it was pretty good , getting faster each one.

Long run

A slight slow down in last half but the first half  was primarily road  whereas second  was half back along the beach with some soft sand hence expect power to be a touch lower.

Weekly Training Load

A jump in training load last week , ramp rate up from 2.7 to 3.7 plus the weekend combination of harder hills Saturday  and long run Sunday  has left legs certainly feeling the increase in load. Will need to make sure this week isnt another increase in load.

Any questions on any of the above feel free to message me via email or social media channels